OpenBSD PacketFilter

The proposed way to ban IPs using openBSD pf uses one t_reaction table. We first need to create this table on our main /etc/pf.conf file.

table <t_reaction> persist

The IPs are banned on all ports, meaning banned IPs won't be able to connect on any service.


There is no specific action taken on start. On stop, all IP address contained in 't_reaction' will be flushed

  start: [
  stop: [
    cmd: ['pfctl', '-t', 't_reaction', '-T',  'flush', '<ip>'],


Then, in reaction.conf file, we need to specify pfctl behaviour and alter ban and unban command

local iptables(args) = [ 'pfctl'] + args;
local banFor(time) = {
  ban: {
    cmd: ['pfctl', '-t', 't_reaction', '-T',  'add', '<ip>'],
  unban: {
    after: time,
    cmd: ['pfctl', '-t', 't_reaction', '-T',  'del', '<ip>'],

See how to merge different actions in JSONnet FAQ

Real-world example

local banFor(time) = {
  ban: {
    cmd: ['pfctl', '-t', 't_reaction', '-T',  'add', '<ip>'],
  unban: {
    after: time,
    cmd: ['pfctl', '-t', 't_reaction', '-T',  'del', '<ip>'],
  patterns: {
    ip: {
      regex: @'(?:(?:[ 0-9 ]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|(?:[0-9a-fA-F:]{2,90})',
  start: [
  stop: [
    cmd: ['pfctl', '-t', 't_reaction', '-T',  'flush', '<ip>'],
  streams: {
    ssh: {
      cmd: [ 'tail', '-n0', '-f', '/var/log/authlog' ],
      filters: {
        failedlogin: {
          regex: [
            // Auth fail
            @'Failed password for invalid user .* from <ip>',
            // Client disconnects during authentication
            @'Disconnected from invalid user .* <ip>',
          retry: 3,
          retryperiod: '6h',
          actions: banFor('48h'),