
Configuration for the Nextcloud web service.

Nextcloud logs failed login attempts, so we will read Nextcloud logs.

We can't use reverse proxy's logs, because when a user logins, using a POST on /login, the HTTP status code responded by Nextcloud is always the same: 303, See Other. (That means the client has to reload the same page, but using GET).

As a pattern, we'll use ip. See here.

See Nextcloud documentation on logging to check where your application logs are.

There are multiple log configurations possible with Nextcloud. The example covers 2 cases, but there are more! Feel free to contribute your own if you think it's relevant.


  streams: {
    nextcloud: {

      // with a PHP-FPM worker logging to systemd
      cmd: ['journalctl', '-fn0', '-u', 'phpfpm-nextcloud.service'],

      // when logging to a file
      cmd: ['tail', '-fn0', 'NEXTCLOUD_DIR/data/nextcloud.log'],

      filters: {
        nextcloud: {
          regex: [
            @'"remoteAddr":"<ip>".*"message":"Login failed:',
            @'"remoteAddr":"<ip>".*"message":"Trusted domain error.',
          retry: 3,
          retryperiod: '1h',
          actions: banFor('3h'),